The design and production of conference branding, marketing and event artwork.

Aged Care Research & Industry Innovation Australia (ARIIA) is an independent, not-for-profit organisation, set up to lead the advancement of the aged care workforce capability by promoting and facilitating innovation and research to improve the quality of aged care for all Australians. As the collaborative hub for our national aged care ecosystem, we can ensure the aged care sector is enabled and responsive to the needs of the community ongoing.
Facing the Future: Aged Care 2030 and Beyond conference was set up as the first event of its kind to bring together the whole aged care ecosystem to talk about positive ageing.
LAAD’s brief from ARIIA was to create an exciting and unique design concept for the branding of the conference. The branding would be carried through all aspects of the conference marketing, promotional material and event artwork.
Working in conjunction with the ARIIA marketing and communications team, LAAD generated a series of concepts which were reviewed and discussed. The “Jetsons’ illustrative style was chosen and applied to all graphic design and advertising materials over the course of the 5 month build up to the conference. These included press and digital advertising, posters and flyers. Event art included all signage, banners, media screens, brochures, animated videos, powerpoints and table art. A custom built photo booth was produced for the event, as well as various other marketing devices.
SASBA 50th Anniversary Annual Conference
The design and production of conference branding, marketing and event artwork.
Australian Rare Earths 2023-24 Annual Report
LAAD Creative was tasked with the design and production of a 80 page report.
ARIIA 2024 Facing the Future of Aged Care Conference
The design and production of conference branding, marketing and event artwork.
Exterior signage for South Adelaide Christadelphian Church
Exterior signage for South Adelaide Christadelphian Church
Exterior signage for iSight Specialists
Graphic design, manufacture and installation of all external signage.
Archer Materials marketing assets design updates
LAAD was commissioned to update the design language for a variey of marketing assets
Archer Materials 2023-24 Annual Report
LAAD Creative was tasked with the design and production of a 80 page report.
SASBA Chatterbox Newsletter – Issue 3
LAAD is tasked with the design and production of a quarterly newsletter.
BE Engineering Solutions Website
Design and production of the BE Engineering Solutions website.